In the busy city of Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, exists a retail landmark that has become rooted in the community since 1963. Formerly called Kurinjipoo Maligai, National Stores was a treasured element of the community’s customs and culture, not just a place to buy.
Kurinjipoo Maligai was founded by R. Duraisamy and soon gained a reputation for high-quality goods and outstanding customer support. It served as a symbol of its founder’s perseverance and entrepreneurial drive over the years.
With time, Duraisamy’s son D. Muthu Prakash took over as the store’s capable manager and is currently the Managing Director.
From Kurinjipoo Maligai to National Stores: A Digital Journey
Kurinjipoo Maligai grew under his leadership, but a change was on their way. With a desire to extend beyond its local roots and embrace the digital age, the store was rebranded as National Stores.
This transition represented a new chapter in the store’s long history, one in which it would evolve and adapt to meet the demands of the modern world.
However, the transformation from a traditional brick-and-mortar store to an internet powerhouse was no easy task.
Understanding the need for experienced advice, National Stores came to Catchy Peak Digital Marketing Agency for guidance. Catchy Peak’s expertise in digital marketing and branding enabled, our client, National Stores to develop a strong online presence across several platforms.
Catchy Peak worked hard to grow National Stores’ digital presence by developing appealing social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and Google My Business, as well as designing a user-friendly website. What was the result? A seamless combination of history and innovation that appealed to both existing clients and new audiences.
Now, three years later, National Stores has been working with Catchy Peak. They have not only continued the store’s tradition of excellence but have also catapulted it to new heights of success in the digital sphere.
As we reflect on National Stores’ history, from its humble beginnings as Kurinjipoo Maligai to its transformation into a modern retail powerhouse, we are continually reminded of the importance of adaptability and innovation. Catchy Peak Digital Marketing Agency is ready to assist businesses looking to embark on their own digital transformation journey.
Whether you’re a local business looking to expand your reach or a new entrepreneur looking to make your mark online, Catchy Peak can help you succeed. Contact us today to learn how we can help your brand achieve new heights in the world of digital media.
Services Provided by Catchy Peak Agency
At Catchy Peak, we provide the following services,
Search Engine Optimisation | Social Media Marketing | WhatsApp Chatbot |Web Development | Graphic Designing |App Development | Online Marketing | Digital Branding |
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